in depth

Back from Death: Mumtaz, Her Little Girl Survive Myanmar Genocide

This is Mumtaz. She is a housewife and mother of four children. Among them is a sole girl, Razia….


The Little Yemeni Woodchopper: Not Only Wood but Also Dreams Are Axed

Young Khalid works as a woodchopper at a village in Haraz. His chops wood into small pieces from early morning till very late at night. After he finishes cutting the wood, his uncle starts collecting it to sell it in Sana’a. …


Sudanese Teenager Speaks of Great Sudanese Figures: Soliman The YouTuber

In a humorous style, 14-year-old Soliman films videos to upload to his YouTube channel to speak of various aspects of how life is like in Sudan, believing his country deserves to be well known by all. …


“Magical Words” a Syrian project introduces children to the archeology of their country

d diaspora beyond their homeland borders, Syrian architect Lamis Kadah embarked on an ambitious quest hoping to lend a helping hand to those children. …


At least 27 children killed and 136 injured in past 72 hours in Afghanistan

In the last 72 hours, 20 children have been killed and 130 children have been injured in Kandahar province; 2 children were killed and 3 were injured in Khost province; and in Paktia province, 5 children were killed and 3 were injured. …


Remember This Face, A child From Yemen #their stories

His Name is Hamed and he has a simple dream he wants to share with you…