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Tiny Hand

Sudan’s Forgotten Massacres: Kill One Child, Spare Another

“They would enter homes and tell the women, if you have two children, we’ll kill one and leave the other, if you have five, we’ll kill three and leave two, and so on.” These were their commander’s orders, instructing them to kill every man over 18 and under 40….

Sudan: Knives Beneath the Pillows: “We Either Commit Suicide or Kill Them”

Knives Beneath the Pillows: "We Either Commit Suicide or Kill Them"
About the Women and Children of Sudan

Education in Gaza: Classrooms Amid Tents and Virtual Reality Experiments

The report was completed in collaboration between TinyHand and Daraj

Education in Gaza: Classrooms Amid Tents and Virtual Reality Experiments

Children First (Guideline)

How to amplify the voices often left in the shadows, while ensuring that every visual resonates with the dignity and rights of children? Explore these tips in our guide….

The ‘disastrous’ tent that has befallen the lives of Gaza’s displaced

The 'disastrous' tent that has befallen the lives of Gaza's displaced
The 'disastrous' tent that has befallen the lives of Gaza's displaced

The specter of famine in Gaza

The specter of famine in Gaza
The specter of famine in Gaza