
Five years on from Alan Kurdi’s death, it’s time to treat refugees with humanity

Remember the image? A three-year-old dead child, Alan Kurdi, in a red T-shirt and blue shorts, shoes still on, …


Children in Beirut battle trauma after deadly explosion

When the huge explosion ripped through Beirut last week, it shattered the glass doors near where 3-year-old Abed Itani was playing …


“Let Me Keep My Childhood” campaign calls for stopping child marriage

Suddenly, without prior warning, the doll was taken from Lanah’s hand and a ring was put on her finger. “You are engaged to this young man,” her father …


Covid-19 may spread more easily among children than thought, report warns

Coronavirus may be more easily transmitted in school and summer camp settings than previously understood, after the emergence of new details of outbreak….


What Happened to Nurse Appearing in “Three Babies” Photo Taken During Beirut Blast!

Among the photos of destruction and blood that were published everywhere at the night of August 4 from the Lebanese capital, Beirut,…


Inspiring Story of “the Girl from Aleppo”: she Crosses 8 Countries in Wheelchair

Coming back from the dead; that’s not hard. You know what’s hard? Getting from Syria to Germany by crossing 8 countries in a wheelchair. to Nujeen Mustafa,…