In his soot-blackened hands, Nour El-Din stood stunned and speechless, holding and staring at what is left of a pink coat. A short time ago, this coat was on the body of a little girl, whose heart shivered of cold in a snow-buried tent….
Here, there is neither a board to write the Arabic alphabet on, nor walls, nor paintings of the sun whose rays fall on children’s swings. Until recently, there were no desks either. The classroom floor is covered with pebbles that hurt children’s feet….
In five halls, an art exhibition, titled “The Reigning Shades of Syria”, showcased the most important photographs, paintings and videos t…
In a dark market in northern Syria, where living difficulties cast a shadow on the faces of people, Nadeem Abdul-Qader carries a teapot, stares well at it against a dim light to make sure that the luster of metal ware is enough for customers to appreciate his work….
Feeling helpless with tears pouring down her face, an Iraqi mother held her mobile phone and went live addressing the audience on social media, begging everyone to help her in her ordeal….