
Police deliver five tons of snow to sick girl

A two-year-old who is missing the left side of her heart got a special surprise.


Afghanistan names school after illiterate dad who walked daughters 12 kilometres to school

A school to be built in southeastern Afghanistan will be named after an illiterate …


Photos of tent school drowning in rainwater in Syria

A huge number of tents drowned and were swept away as a result of heavy rainwater in Syria…


Anas, Yassen, Hazem let’s take a look at 2019

They have wishes for 2020, let’s watch them …


Doctors rush to Indian town where children have been dying

India’s health ministry is rushing a team of pediatricians and other medical experts to a western Indian town…


Cirque Shemsy offers chance for Moroccan children to learn circus arts

Abdulmajeed’s face expressed his ambition to follow in the footsteps …