
Sexually abused: The hidden meaning of children’s shapes and their scribbles

Your child’s quirky art isn’t just cute—science suggests that even the most bizarre depictions can have deep creative intention….


Syrian Girl Draws Cartoon Characters on Displaced Children Tents

The moment she picked up her paintbrush and colors setting off to the Syrian camps near her home in Idlib, Amira Dani, a 19-year-old Syrian girl, did not forget that the majority of the displaced children know nothing but warfare. …


The doctor who helped children to smile in Kenya

When the surgeon, one of the top specialists in western Kenya, contracted the virus and his condition worsened there were no intensive care (ICU) beds available at his hospital – the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital (MTRH) in Eldoret….


Report provides data on out-of-school children in Jordan before COVID-19 pandemic

A new report released jointly by UNICEF and the Ministry of Education has shown that the numbers of children not attending primary education in Jordan has remained steady despite the impact of the Syrian refugee crisis, with 4.7 per cent of children aged 6 to 11 years out of school….


‘Our children die in our hands’: Floods ravage South Sudan

On a scrap of land surrounded by flooding in South Sudan, families drink and bathe from the waters that swept away latrines and continue to rise….


Child labor, toxic leaks: the price we could pay for a greener future

The battle to stave off Earth’s looming climate crisis is driving engineers to develop hosts of new green technologies. …