
‘Skull Breaker Challenge’ Circulating Is Sending Kids To The Hospital

There’s a new disturbing trend on a popular cellphone app that’s causing children to get severely injured….


Kids raised by grandparents more likely to be overweight

Grandparents can be a bad influence on kids’ weight, researchers say….


Over half a million displaced children in northwest Syria

More than 500,000 children have been displaced by intense violence in northwest Syria since 1 December 2019*,…


The hidden suffering behind the coffee that jump-starts your mornings

in Minas Gerais – a state bigger than France – that grows more than half the beans in Brazil….


Knitting Science

It is not just a single magical stick; they are two knitting pins making Anatomy much more interesting!


Australian girl in Syria’s al-Hawl camp may lose fingers to frostbite

A three-year-old Australian girl in Syria held in al-Hawl camp will likely lose her fingers to frostbite….