
What does it mean to ask a good student about the school she was deprived of?

little Syrian girl is crying because he was deprived of school…


Five years of war in Yemen: More than half of children feel sad and depressed

Five years of raging conflict in Yemen have had a devastating impact on the mental health of an entire generation of children, …


Little girl’s friends sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to her from their cars

Social distancing won’t stop this little girl’s friends from celebrating her birthday during the coronavirus pandemic. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19,…


Amazon offering free audiobooks, shows for kids at home

There are some more options to keep kids occupied while they are stuck at home during the COVID-19 pandemic….


A child washed his clothes for fear of the Coronavirus disease

This Turkish child washed his clothes for fear of the Coronavirus disease…


‘Let your kids get bored’: advice from teachers on schooling at home

school may have closed for the foreseeable future, and all exams cancelled, but children still need to be educated and entertained – as well as reassured. …