Priyanka Chopra raises her voice against child abuse

Actor Priyanka Chopra has strongly condemned child abuse and called it ‘simply unacceptable’. She wrote on Twitter that as adults, it was our responsibility to protect the ‘fragile’ innocence of a child, and urged fans to report any instances of child abuse that they witness.

The innocence of a child is so fragile, and the responsibility to protect that is one of paramount importance. Having personally heard so many horror stories, there are too many children who have endured the worst of humanity, and this is simply unacceptable.

Child rights and the education of girls is a cause close to Priyanka’s heart and she has been working closely with the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) for almost a decade and a half now. In 2016, she was made a Global Unicef Goodwill Ambassador. In her efforts towards child welfare, she has travelled to several countries, from Bangladesh to Ethiopia, and spent time with the kids there.