
Children for sale: How the pandemic is forcing poverty-stricken parents to make desperate choices

There’s a famous photograph from 1948. It shows a pregnant woman in the United States, face away from the camera, and four children huddled on the steps below….


Audio Reveals Melania Trump Dismissed Child Border Separations, Christmas

Recordings of phone calls with Melania Trump released by Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, her former friend and East Wing adviser, reveal the first lady dismissed the separation of migrant children from their parents and was disdainful about her role in decorating the White House for Christmas….

in depth

The Plight Of Yezidi Child Survivors Of Isis

Between 2014 and 2017 the armed group calling itself the Islamic State (IS) committed war crimes and crimes against humanity against the Yezidi community in Iraq. …


A NEW programme to end child labour in Zarqa and Amman

A new UNICEF programme to end the worst forms of child labour in Zarqa and Amman will help hundreds of children to escape from dangerous working environments and return to education and training, as well as providing their families with a package of support to reduce the burden on children to work….


When We Lost This World

Five years ago, the phone of the Omani photographer, Ahmed Al-Hosani, rang. It was a regular call from a supervisor at a childhood center asking him to deliver a lecture on photography to the center’s children….


Greece’s Forgotten Child Refugees

Ehsaan, a 16-year-old Pakistani, arrived in Athens in February with no place to stay. “I used to spend all night sitting on the bus while it drove around the city,” said Ehsaan, whose name has been changed to protect his identity, recalling his initial weeks in Greece. “When I called my family, I told them everything was fine, but in truth, I was too afraid to fall asleep at night.”