
Nahla, the Little Syria Girl in Chains, Dies of Starvation and Torture

Do you love your father? Yes, I do. What does he do to you? He ties and beats me! It is a video which is a few seconds long. It had followed the murder of the five-year old Nahla Othman who lived in a refugee camp in Syria. …


The Smurfs: Car Wash Run by Yemeni Children

Four children turned the sidewalk, located a few meters away from Sabeen Square in the capital Sana’a, into a small car wash. These four are three brothers and their neighbor. …

in depth

Tiny hands’ stories

Photos of the arduous and difficult road Syrian children forcibly took


“My Daughter’s pain Makes Me Feel Helpless”, A story of Hiba!

Abdul Karim could not sleep this night, too! His fear over his sick daughter has made him obsessed with her. The 50-year-old man From Syria said: “What if the blanket fell on her face and prevented her from breathing?!” …


Nearly 17 child migrants a day vanished in Europe since 2018

At least 18,000 unaccompanied child migrants have disappeared after arriving in European countries including Greece, Italy and Germany….


From the world’s largest refugee camp: ‘Everything is burnt to ashes’

Halima, 37, was inside her shelter in the Kutupalong camp with her five young children when the sound of people screaming drew her outside….