A flame of fire appears on the far horizon. The closer you get to the hill the more flames that appear from among the trees with accompanying black smoke….
At the start of the planting season, Lily , 41, was busy sowing maize with her four of their six children on their family farm in the remote Kenyan village…
Timothy, a teenager on the streets of Mombasa, wonders how he will eat. “Rich people can stay home … because they have a store well stocked with food,”…
The small girl, Hind, frowned before she hid her head between her knees and remained silent for a long time. She refused to answer the frequent question….
For many kids spring break is just around the corner. Instead of breaking off to the beach this year, however, many families will find themselves in home….
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) brings with it feelings like anxiety, stress and uncertainty — and they are felt especially strongly by children….