
Abandoned Room Turned into School

When We met Amira, a 7-year-old girl, in a school in southern rural Hama, battles had not yet become bitter and fierce…


A Kid-Run Landfill

The landfill receives waste for free. The kids running it get money in exchange for collecting waste and selling it. …


In a Career of Reporting, These Are the Stories That Still Touch Me

By Nicholas Kristof/ Journalist
This Article is published in New York Times


Hazim The Little Blacksmith

People say: ‘Each person has his name share’…


In Gaza, We Love Life

Despite the challenges and circumstances faced by Gaza City due to the unlawful closure, the blockade…


In pictures: Anas the Shepherd

He runs quickly towards his mother repeating with difficulty the statement which he read on the wall of his school ‘Bags are yours and corpses are ours’. …